Tuesday, January 08, 2008


It's been several years since this website was updated. Lee accidentally let the domain name renewal slip (because he's an idiot), and since it was seeing a of internet traffic due to the "popularity" of the daddy blog, someone else bought the domain name. They want Lee to pay a lot of money to get his domain name back. So, Lee stuck out his tongue and boycotted the internet. He stopped updating the site and blogging hoping that the traffic would decrease and the new domain  owner would see it's a waste of money to keep the domain. After two years that hasn't worked, and enough friends and family members are complaining that Lee is now resurrecting the site. <br /><br />It will take some time to get everything back up and running. The blog will be completely removed and archived. The home page will become the new "family blog" and the girls' pages will remain similar to what they have always been - a photo album of their activities. Check back to see changes over the next several weeks or so.

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