Friday, November 24, 2023

What I Learned This Week - 11/24/23

  1.  Presenting a corn dog cut into eight equal parts on a rectangular plate and garnishing it with dipping sauces of seasoned tomato puree and a ground spice aioli seems like it should be a kids version of sushi but it is not. #StillAteIt
  2. Clam flavored candy canes are a thing that should not exist but do. #ClamdyCanes
  3. Security guards will consider you a psycho when you state that the "no food or drinks beyond this point" sign doesn't apply to you because these are "emotional support food and drinks". #MoreDrinksThanFoodReally
  4. Best response to a waitress asking how the customer liked their coffee this week goes to, "I'd like it strong enough to show up on a drug test". #NotFolgers
  5. People who brag about living in an area with so much sun have never lived in a place that had so much sun there are seasonal road closures due to sun glare. #YesColoradoClosesHighways
  6. I can make a humorous Venn diagram on nearly any set of data.#maybe
  7. People despise playing Truth or Dare with me because they really don't want to know a truth about themselves or my darkest secret and my dare always results in them ordering me a pizza. #WorkingTheSystem
  8. When a magician asks you to pick a card at random, naming their credit car isn't an option. #WhoKnew
  9. It's an interesting paradigm to see all the people I used to cheat death with become such responsible parents and grandparents. #MissionAccomplished
  10. The Friday after thanksgiving is typically the busiest day of the year for plumbers and affectionately known as "Brown Friday". #Eww
  11. When you ask your youngest daughter to bring Kosher salt home from college in her luggage because the entire state you live in has been out of it for eight months, she will get stopped by TSA and have the salt inspected for potential nefarious activities. #TheMoreYouKnow
  12. I was today-years-old when I learned if I press the HD symbol on the face of my car HD radio, several radio substations can be selected under that frequency.#ThoughtItWasJustBetterAudio
  13. There are few joys greater than cooking with family. #AndAlmostFamily
  14. Regardless of what they may say or think, my daughters are great cooks. #fact
  15. The annual post-Thanksgiving meal tradition of putting mashed potatoes on each of the dogs' noses will never not be funny. #CrossEyed.
  16. My daughters are now at that age where when you ask what each is thankful for they give you a meaningful answer. #StillComedic
  17. Roku is on my naughty list from removing the app feature to cast anything from your phone to the TV. #Why
  18. You don't realize you're making great memories until the event is over. #Maybe

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