Sunday, October 01, 2023

What I Learned from a College Reunion

  1.  You know you're form Wyoming when a horse is being ridden through a bar a foot from you and your first thought is not for your safety but, "I hope there's still some wheat beer left" #OrIPA

  2. If I ever have Alzheimer's I hope to have Doug Hecox on speed dial so, he can remind me of everything I've forgotten. #HowDoesHeKnow
  3. I spent close to five years closely with a group of people and it's incredible that 30 years later we all have the same memories but fill in the missing information in each other's stories. #SoCool
  4. I find it amazing that many of my former classmates are now grandparents and it's a badge of honor instead of an insult. #SomedayMe
  5. I can't believe I'm the only one of my classmates that has actually aged. #YouLookMahvelous
  6. The term "sharing glasses" while in a bar trying to read a menu has nothing to do with alcohol. #TinyPrint
  7. The "cowboy walk" is not the term to describe spending the day in the saddle but for something way cooler. #GoPokes
  8. "Flaming Cornhole" isn't the name of a post-spicy food morning ritual, but it should be. #WhoKnew
  9. Several people commented that I would have been a great Pistol Pete, but I actually know the real one and he's more amazing than I could have ever been. #Fact
    I know who's under the mask

  10. "Pregaming at the Airstream" sounds like a good name for a rock band, but it's actually something way more fun. #SeeYouEveryWeekendMikeAndKellyMartin 
  11. The dorms are going to be torn down and replaced in the coming years and I don't know if I'm emotionally ready for that. #Softy
  12. I'm one of the few people that is confused that the Library is no longer anywhere near the dorms. #ItsHowFar
  13. If you do the formal queen wave back at the homecoming parade princesses and queens, they will either laugh, correct you, or call the police on a creepy guy. #maybe
  14. The most popular question asked of me was not about my family or personal life but about why I don't post "what I learned this week" anymore. #Weirdos
  15. Those same people have no idea that I post "What I Learned This week" on a website found here. #Weirdos 
  16. I no longer have bad memories of the Alibi. #Unrecognizable
  17. I am extremely grateful to Lexie Benson Carroll and Doug Hecox for all the work they put in to make this amazing weekend happen. #LoveYouGuys
  18. Thirty years is way too long to be away from everyone. #OkSomeOfYou
  19. My favorite line from Monica in the TV series Yellowstone, ā€œIf it doesn't make you cry to watch your family ride away, you probably shouldn't have oneā€, actually applies to former classmates as well. #HappyTears


  1. Susan Anable7:10 PM

    Smashing! Well said!

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Love this!

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Perfectly written, perfectly said. Encore!


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