Friday, June 09, 2023

What I Learned This Week 6/9/23

  1. It is impossible to hum a non-instrumental song without thinking of the lyrics, or at least the lyrics you know. #Weird
  2. According to my youngest, "Cindy Clawford" is the best cat name of all time. #ShesNotWrong
  3. I don't know why my dentist's office has posters of a single extracted tooth as the icon for ideal tooth health and I'm too afraid to ask. #PreferThemInMyMouth
  4. When an employee is required to assist me in the self checkout isle, I always ask them how they consider themselves myself and they give my blank looks. #AmIAnEmployeeNow
  5. If doorbell camera companies really wanted to sell more product they would create a nation-wide ice cream truck tracking AI by simply listening for ice cream truck songs and giving a countdown to the truck's arrival in your neighborhood. #CriticalThinking
  6. If only your lower jaw moves, I have no idea why the phrase "bite down" persists. #BiteUpSoundsWeird #BiteTogether
  7. It constantly amazes me the ships/stations/bases in all sci-fi movies all have the same gravity as Earth #NotLikely
  8. My old basset hound takes daily walks throughout our backyard just to sniff each and every flower which makes me happier than it should. #SmellTheRosesAndTheDaisiesAnd
  9. Croc headlights are a thing that don't need to exist. #StopWastingResources
  10. I no longer read the expiration dates on products because it occurred to me that at any given point in my life I will expire before the product does. #DontNeedThatPressure
  11. There are now more people on Earth that don't know what VHS is than movies watched on VHS. #woah
  12. Dogs can suffer from "happy tail syndrome" which basically means they pulled or over-exerted a tail muscle. This makes me happy and sad at the same time. #WagSlower
  13. I've successfully reached the age where I can do a daytime activity or night time activity but I cannot do both. #GettingOldIsntForPansies
  14. According to the requirements set forth in Wreck-it Ralph 2, Emporer Kuzko from The Emporer's new groove is a Disney Princess. #maybe #NoTouchy
  15. A calzone if basically pizza's version of an omelet. #weird
  16. I have never met a person that has sneezed in their sleep. #NotSureIfItsPossible
  17. Although it seems wrong, your head is your only body part that can use all five senses. #GladMyHandsCantSmell
  18. The existence of the Black Market implies that their are specialized markets of other colors. I'm weary of the Burnt Umber Market. #BrownRedBlueGreenAreActualMarkets #IHadNoIdea
  19. According to my wife there are rules for soap usage in the shower to which I've now learned that body wash is not shampoo or face wash, face wash is not beard shampoo, and shampoo is only for hair above or around the ears on the top part of the head. #GladSheDidntSeeMeUseHerLoofa

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